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该论文提出了一种新颖的基于学习的抽样策略,可确保在偏见和大约统一条件下对自由空间的无排斥采样,从而利用多元核密度。利用给定自治系统的过去状态的历史数据可以估算该域的非参数概率描述,这反过来又描述了可​​能找到运动计划问题的可行解决方案的自由空间。然后使用内核密度估计器,带宽和内核的调整参数来改变自由空间的描述,以使得没有采样状态可以落在最初定义的空间之外。在两个现实生活中的案例研究中证明了该方法:自主表面容器(2D)和一个自主无人机(3D)。解决了两个计划问题,表明所提出的近似统一抽样方案能够保证对所考虑工作空间的无排斥采样。此外,使用Monte Carlo模拟在统计上验证了所提出的方法的计划效率。
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Machine learning (ML) has found broad applicability in quantum information science in topics as diverse as experimental design, state classification, and even studies on quantum foundations. Here, we experimentally realize an approach for defining custom prior distributions that are automatically tuned using ML for use with Bayesian quantum state estimation methods. Previously, researchers have looked to Bayesian quantum state tomography due to its unique advantages like natural uncertainty quantification, the return of reliable estimates under any measurement condition, and minimal mean-squared error. However, practical challenges related to long computation times and conceptual issues concerning how to incorporate prior knowledge most suitably can overshadow these benefits. Using both simulated and experimental measurement results, we demonstrate that ML-defined prior distributions reduce net convergence times and provide a natural way to incorporate both implicit and explicit information directly into the prior distribution. These results constitute a promising path toward practical implementations of Bayesian quantum state tomography.
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Deep learning classifiers provide the most accurate means of automatically diagnosing diabetic retinopathy (DR) based on optical coherence tomography (OCT) and its angiography (OCTA). The power of these models is attributable in part to the inclusion of hidden layers that provide the complexity required to achieve a desired task. However, hidden layers also render algorithm outputs difficult to interpret. Here we introduce a novel biomarker activation map (BAM) framework based on generative adversarial learning that allows clinicians to verify and understand classifiers decision-making. A data set including 456 macular scans were graded as non-referable or referable DR based on current clinical standards. A DR classifier that was used to evaluate our BAM was first trained based on this data set. The BAM generation framework was designed by combing two U-shaped generators to provide meaningful interpretability to this classifier. The main generator was trained to take referable scans as input and produce an output that would be classified by the classifier as non-referable. The BAM is then constructed as the difference image between the output and input of the main generator. To ensure that the BAM only highlights classifier-utilized biomarkers an assistant generator was trained to do the opposite, producing scans that would be classified as referable by the classifier from non-referable scans. The generated BAMs highlighted known pathologic features including nonperfusion area and retinal fluid. A fully interpretable classifier based on these highlights could help clinicians better utilize and verify automated DR diagnosis.
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We study representation learning for efficient imitation learning over linear systems. In particular, we consider a setting where learning is split into two phases: (a) a pre-training step where a shared $k$-dimensional representation is learned from $H$ source policies, and (b) a target policy fine-tuning step where the learned representation is used to parameterize the policy class. We find that the imitation gap over trajectories generated by the learned target policy is bounded by $\tilde{O}\left( \frac{k n_x}{HN_{\mathrm{shared}}} + \frac{k n_u}{N_{\mathrm{target}}}\right)$, where $n_x > k$ is the state dimension, $n_u$ is the input dimension, $N_{\mathrm{shared}}$ denotes the total amount of data collected for each policy during representation learning, and $N_{\mathrm{target}}$ is the amount of target task data. This result formalizes the intuition that aggregating data across related tasks to learn a representation can significantly improve the sample efficiency of learning a target task. The trends suggested by this bound are corroborated in simulation.
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Purpose: Trans-oral robotic surgery (TORS) using the da Vinci surgical robot is a new minimally-invasive surgery method to treat oropharyngeal tumors, but it is a challenging operation. Augmented reality (AR) based on intra-operative ultrasound (US) has the potential to enhance the visualization of the anatomy and cancerous tumors to provide additional tools for decision-making in surgery. Methods: We propose and carry out preliminary evaluations of a US-guided AR system for TORS, with the transducer placed on the neck for a transcervical view. Firstly, we perform a novel MRI-transcervical 3D US registration study. Secondly, we develop a US-robot calibration method with an optical tracker and an AR system to display the anatomy mesh model in the real-time endoscope images inside the surgeon console. Results: Our AR system reaches a mean projection error of 26.81 and 27.85 pixels for the projection from the US to stereo cameras in a water bath experiment. The average target registration error for MRI to 3D US is 8.90 mm for the 3D US transducer and 5.85 mm for freehand 3D US, and the average distance between the vessel centerlines is 2.32 mm. Conclusion: We demonstrate the first proof-of-concept transcervical US-guided AR system for TORS and the feasibility of trans-cervical 3D US-MRI registration. Our results show that trans-cervical 3D US is a promising technique for TORS image guidance.
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机器学习潜力是分子模拟的重要工具,但是由于缺乏高质量数据集来训练它们的发展,它们的开发阻碍了它们。我们描述了Spice数据集,这是一种新的量子化学数据集,用于训练与模拟与蛋白质相互作用的药物样的小分子相关的潜在。它包含超过110万个小分子,二聚体,二肽和溶剂化氨基酸的构象。它包括15个元素,带电和未充电的分子以及广泛的共价和非共价相互作用。它提供了在{\ omega} b97m-d3(bj)/def2-tzVPPD理论水平以及其他有用的数量(例如多极矩和键阶)上计算出的力和能量。我们在其上训练一组机器学习潜力,并证明它们可以在化学空间的广泛区域中实现化学精度。它可以作为创建可转移的,准备使用潜在功能用于分子模拟的宝贵资源。
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我们介绍了DeepNash,这是一种能够学习从头开始播放不完美的信息游戏策略的自主代理,直到人类的专家级别。 Stratego是人工智能(AI)尚未掌握的少数标志性棋盘游戏之一。这个受欢迎的游戏具有$ 10^{535} $节点的巨大游戏树,即,$ 10^{175} $倍的$倍于GO。它具有在不完美的信息下需要决策的其他复杂性,类似于德克萨斯州Hold'em扑克,该扑克的游戏树较小(以$ 10^{164} $节点为单位)。 Stratego中的决策是在许多离散的动作上做出的,而动作与结果之间没有明显的联系。情节很长,在球员获胜之前经常有数百次动作,而Stratego中的情况则不能像扑克中那样轻松地分解成管理大小的子问题。由于这些原因,Stratego几十年来一直是AI领域的巨大挑战,现有的AI方法几乎没有达到业余比赛水平。 Deepnash使用游戏理论,无模型的深钢筋学习方法,而无需搜索,该方法学会通过自我播放来掌握Stratego。 DeepNash的关键组成部分的正则化NASH Dynamics(R-NAD)算法通过直接修改基础多项式学习动力学来收敛到近似NASH平衡,而不是围绕它“循环”。 Deepnash在Stratego中击败了现有的最先进的AI方法,并在Gravon Games平台上获得了年度(2022年)和历史前3名,并与人类专家竞争。
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数值验证是机器学习研究的核心,因为它允许评估新方法的实际影响,并确认理论和实践之间的一致性。然而,该领域的快速发展构成了一些挑战:研究人员面临着大量的方法来比较,有限的透明度和最佳实践的共识以及乏味的重新实施工作。结果,验证通常是非常部分的,这可能会导致错误的结论,从而减慢研究的进展。我们提出了Benchopt,这是一个协作框架,旨在在跨编程语言和硬件体系结构的机器学习中自动化,复制和发布优化基准。 Benchopt通过提供用于运行,共享和扩展实验的现成工具来简化社区的基准测试。为了展示其广泛的可用性,我们在三个标准学习任务上展示基准:$ \ ell_2 $ regulaine的逻辑回归,套索和RESNET18用于图像分类的培训。这些基准强调了关键的实际发现,这些发现对这些问题的最新问题更加细微,这表明在实际评估中,魔鬼在细节上。我们希望Benchopt能在社区中促进合作工作,从而改善研究结果的可重复性。
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